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Our Commitment
Our Racial Equity Commitment was born out of years of leveraging our resources to uplift customers and communities. 这项承诺承认持续存在的经济不平等, 以及受影响社区的明确需求, 它包括增量贷款和股权投资, philanthropic capital, products and services.
Finance the creation and preservation of affordable housing units in communities that are underserved.
Provide additional loans to small businesses in majority Black, Hispanic and Latino census tracts.
Our Progress
截至2023年12月31日,我们报告的收益为30美元.70亿美元的资金用于实现我们的五年种族平等承诺. 了解更多澳博官方网站app的最新进展和重点领域在我们的 2023 ESG Report.
布莱克的增量住房贷款再融资, 所有家庭收入水平的西班牙裔和拉丁裔房主.
Community managers hired.
Community Center branches opened.
The Road Ahead
While we have invested and financed more than $30 billion toward elements identified in our Racial Equity Commitment, we are aware of the work that remains to be done both in fulfilling each of our 18 sub-commitments, 继续支持我们所服务的社区.
We plan to continue our efforts beyond the original five-year commitment to leverage the scale and reach of our business to advance equity for underserved communities and help to close the racial wealth gap.
Impact Stories
Financial Health
Home to 1.里奥格兰德河谷拥有300万人口,是南德克萨斯州和墨西哥的经济引擎. 从农业到医疗保健服务再到船运批发, 它的小企业生态系统正在蓬勃发展. And with its population expected to nearly double over the coming decades, 预计该地区将成为美国经济增长最快的地区之一.
力拓银行正在帮助推动这一增长. With 16 branches in South Texas, 该银行了解该地区和居住在那里的人,其中94%是西班牙裔或拉丁裔.
Community banks like Rio can provide the local expertise and cultural connections their customers want, leading to economic prosperity. JPMorgan Chase is helping to advance these banks’ missions through direct investments and ongoing support.
Sustainable Homeownership
He goes by the moniker P. Scott, and is an artist, gallerist, master barber, father, community advocate and, most recently, a homeowner.
“I'd been wanting to buy a home for a very long time, probably about five or six years,” Scott says. 他多年来一直想买一套房子, but as an entrepreneur, 过去,他在证明自己有可靠的收入来源方面遇到了困难. Scott felt that it was an uphill battle for lenders to take him seriously and didn’t feel like anyone was taking the time to help him understand the various steps in the homebuying journey.
Still, P. 斯科特一直保持着拥有自己房子的梦想. 他只是不知道什么时候会发生——或者如何发生.
1-1 Coaching
杰奎琳名下只有100美元,她开了一家清洁公司. 她知道自己对这个行业还有很多东西要学,知道它是如何运作的, Jackeline offered to clean her friend's offices in order to gain commercial cleaning experience and attract bigger clients. And in 2018, 在她的大儿子迪奥内的帮助下,她正式启动了“建筑清洁”项目.
但如此快速的增长也面临着挑战. “我知道如果我想继续在全国扩张, 我需要有人帮我解决具体的业务需求, especially related to accounting,” said Jackeline. 就在那时,她走进帕萨迪纳当地的大通银行分行,遇到了瓦妮莎·托雷斯, 大通银行的高级商业顾问.
Community Development
In the 1880s, Pullman, 伊利诺斯州是芝加哥南区一个繁荣的社区, 这里是世界上最大的黑人雇主之一——普尔曼宫殿汽车公司的所在地, 这家公司为横穿美国的铁路建造了卧铺车厢.S.
The Pullman neighborhood thrived until the 1950s ushered in the rise of automobile and airline travel. The Pullman Car Company ultimately closed in the 1960s and the shuttering of local steel mills continued into the early 21st century, 这些因素使该地区损失了数万个工作岗位. Today, the economically underserved Pullman neighborhood is experiencing a revitalization and finding new life as a historic district.
Hoping to make a difference, Baron Waller decided to try to help bring opportunities to the area by building one of his Culver's franchise restaurants. He hopes that, in doing so, he'll be able to provide jobs and the first casual sit-down restaurant the community has had in years—a comfortable place for residents and visitors to eat.
Supplier Diversity
2010年,布莱恩·奥尔蒂斯创办了特立尼达建筑公司,这是一家总承包公司. “这是我掌握自己命运的一种方式... 如果我成功了,那是我的责任;如果我失败了,那也是我的责任。. But it wasn’t easy.
Hispanic, Latino and Black business owners face systemic barriers when it comes to growing and scaling their small businesses. 再加上所有建筑公司都必须面对的共同障碍, 比如极其庞大的保险需求, long payment terms and lack of a consistent work pipeline that facilitates planning and business growth.
这些挑战使得建筑企业很难起步, 而要成为大型企业供应链的一部分则更加困难, 获得新商机的关键是什么. But Brian had a plan.
Financial Planning
当芝加哥的面包师斯蒂芬妮·哈特听说当地一家糖果工厂要出售时, she was inspired.
She knew the space would provide an amazing opportunity for her business — Brown Sugar Bakery — to grow, 但不太确定该如何进行收购.
该扩张计划是大约一年前制定的, and it was around then that Stephanie first met with a community development expert at her local Chase Community Center on Chicago’s South Side. Stephanie was paired with a mentor, Pamela Randle, 大通银行的高级商业顾问, who has since provided her with financial planning services and business development strategies to help grow her business.
Jamie Dimon, Chairman & CEO, JPMorgan Chase & Co.
Financial Health Resources
Putting Homeownership Within Reach
We're making it easier for customers to achieve homeownership by offering a homebuyer grant of $2,500 or $5,根据客户购买的社区,支付成交费用和首付款, regardless of their income.
We're helping Black, Hispanic and Latino homeowners save money on their monthly mortgage payments by committing up to $4 billion in refinancing loans.
我们通过一对一的辅导为少数族裔企业主提供支持, educational events, banking solutions and more.
We are dedicated to working with businesses from historically underrepresented groups including minorities, women, military veterans, 残疾人和LGBT+群体成员.
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注册接收有关我们如何使用我们的专业知识的信息, data, 资源和规模有助于促进更加包容和公平的经济.