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政策Center Logo

推进 opportunity through evidence-based policy solutions.


The JP摩根 追逐 政策Center develops and advances sustainable, 以证据为基础的政策解决方案推动美国的包容性经济增长.S. and around the world. It is powered by the firm’s global business resources and expertise, including data, 研究, talent and philanthropic investments. The 政策Center works with policy, 企业和社区领导人在各级政府推动有效的解决方案.


推进 Opportunity

企业在推动包容性经济增长方面发挥着至关重要的作用. 这就是为什么澳博官方网站app有与政府合作的悠久历史, 公民和地方领导人推动公共政策,促进我们社区的福祉和弹性. 澳博官方网站app政策中心建立在我们现有业务和慈善投资的基础上,并推进了商业圆桌会议发布的《澳博体育app》.

JP摩根 追逐’s long-term, significant investments in key pillars of opportunity, 以及对全球经济和劳动力市场的见解创造了一个重要的知识体系和见解,如何解决我们社区在快速变化的全球经济中面临的一些最令人烦恼的社会和经济挑战. 政策中心将利用澳博官方网站app的号召力,建立创新伙伴关系,确定研究领域的差距,并在关键学者之间促进可操作的政策对话, nonprofit and business partners.


Business Growth & Entrepreneurship

Business Growth & Entrepreneurship


职业生涯 & 技能

职业生涯 & 技能



Financial Health & Wealth Creation

Financial Health & Wealth Creation



Neighborhood Development

Neighborhood Development


帮助确保美国各地的住房市场更容易负担得起, 稳定的, equitable and sustainable


Second Chance

Second Chance


Helping people with former offenses build 稳定的 lives, improve their financial health, and participate in the workforce


We're owning our part.

澳博官方网站app(JP摩根 追逐)正在扩大我们数十亿美元的投资,以解决种族和经济不平等问题, particularly for the Black community.

了解更多 Click here to 探索 our path forward






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